Red Spiders Eggs are mainly for members, but there is one thing that f2p can do with them.
If you take them along with a Limpwurt Root and 5 gold coins to the Apothecary in Varrock, He wil make you a four-dose Strength Potion. If you take enough of them, as in 3 or 4 whole potions, your strength will temporarily increase a level. Because of this, players like to buy both the ingredients and the finished product. The Eggs are found near the Deadly Red Spiders,featured in my last post.
To Obtain Limpwurt Root (A.k.a.limps,limpys, limp) locate a Hobgoblin. It is uncommon for the the lvl 28 hobgoblins to drop them, but it is common for the lvl 42 and 47.