(This is not my money! I wish it was! It is just a random picture of RS GP!)
I have decided to publish the many ways I have collected to make money. Some are f2p, some are not. I found these in many places on the Internet, so if you see one that you invented, just think of it as me spreading the news. I take no credit for any of these methods, because I didn't invent them!
Runescape Money Making Guide
Legend: x = doesn't work
* = tested and approved
% = works sometimes
? = not tested, but probably works
1: Swamp Tar (p2p)*
( Item stacks)
Swamp Tar is found south of Lumbridge in the Swamps. Collect it and sell on the G.E.
2: Feathers (f2p)*
Go to all fishing stores and buy all feathers. Take them to Varrock and sell on the G.E.
3: Orange Baskets(p2p) *
Go to Catherby. Buy a TON of baskets. Go to the Grand Tree. Buy all the oranges. Put in the baskets. Bank them. Repeat. Switch worlds. Repeat. Sell on G.E.
4: Herbs (p2p) %
Kill almost any monster (Men and women work best) and gather all herbs that they drop.
v.1: Sell on G.E. or trade, gaining no xp.;
v.2: Clean, gaining Herblore xp, and then sell.
v.3: Clean and make into potions, gaining Herblore xp, and then sell the potions.
5: Anti-Dragon shields (f2p) ? %
(Can only be used after Dragon Slayer)
Go to Lumbridge. Make sure you posses to Anti-Dragon shields. Talk to Duke Horatio. Ask for an Anti-Dragon shield. He will give you one. Drop it. Repeat, and pick it back up. Now you have 2. Repeat, multiplying the number of Anti-Dragon shields you posses, until you have an inventory full. Bank, repeat, then sell on G.E.
6: Battlestaffs (p2p) *
(This can only be done once per 24 hours.)
Go to Varrock. Go into the Staff shop. Talk to Naff. Buy all of his Battlestaffs; they will be noted. Walk to the G.E. and sell.
Hope this helps and I will be adding more soon!
war boy, got a better way to make $. buy chocolate bars off ge for 363 gp, buy knife, use on chocholate, have chocolate dust sell make big$
Thanks for the tips!
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